Friday, December 23, 2011

Cabin Fever

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney
I admit I can be a bit of a snob about books. I have never, not ever, read a Captain Underpants book. I have never, not ever, recommended a Captain Underpants book. But then, I don’t really have to. They have their own built-in audience. Potty humor – ew – yuck!
And… I am not a fan of graphic novels. All of the hurvy-scurvy, chaotic, colorless (in most cases), frenetic and frantic pictures send my brain for a spin. But they do have their audience as well and I am delighted by the niche they fill.
While I’m at it, I might as well confess that I don’t particularly care for books written as diary or journal entries. Been there. Done that. Can we come up with something different now? Please? It’s old and tired – to me. But there is still an audience for them. A new group every year.
I don’t like poetry! Really don’t like it. Especially the sappy kind. Okay, perhaps that was a bit unnecessary.  But while I’m venting… I’m an English major who simply cannot stand Shakespeare. Do you still like me?
Pant, pant, pant. Deep breaths. Drumroll please… I really do, honest and truly, get excited for another Diary of a Wimpy Kid, (DWK). It has taken me, what, five years? to be able to say that. Let’s see… tweenage boy humor; goofy-little, comic-book illustrations; and, duh! DIARY format!
But I do like the series for at least three reasons. First one! In the age of the gargantuan, epic, children’s tome… I didn’t say Inheritance … here we have short and sweet. The book can be read in one sitting. And it doesn’t tax the brain. I guess I’d call it leisure reading.
Second reason! It’s laugh out loud funny. Even for me and by that I mean that adults can find the situations hilarious because we were young once too. Yes, times have changed, but siblings are still just as obnoxious and parents are still as clueless.
Reason the third! Cabin Fever has a true beginning and a true end. No cliff hanger. Read DWK  book one, then three, or maybe five - order isn’t crucial. When a child comes in looking for a DWK book, he’ll usually take any one that is available with a smile.
I did say “at least.” Number four! Not only will my own child read it, but she can earn Accelerated Reader points for her trouble! It is a great series for the reluctant reader and nobody gets killed.
Finally, the fifth reason that I like (DWK). The Heffley family regularly attends church. When Greg’s best friend, Rowley, sleeps over on Saturday night, he attends church with them on Sunday morning. In Cabin Fever, Christmas is coming and the Heffley’s attend worship service.
It was so subtle. Church is just a part of their lives. It snuck up on me. Then I looked back and church has always been a part of the (DWK) series. Sometimes there are laughs involved - “Peas be with you.” I like that. It rings true! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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