Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vespers Rising

Vespers Rising by Rick Riordan, Peter Lerangis, Gordon Korman and Jude Watson

I told myself I wasn’t going to read any more of these (The 39 Clues). What happened? Perhaps my Obsessive Compulsive self took over. Or my anal retentive self. Or perhaps I couldn’t bear to see a request list without my name on it and it was getting long at an exponential rate. Maybe I saw it on the processing shelf, all four copies, and a quick calculation proved that one could indeed be mine. Maybe Mr. John had already read it … I think it is my need to read everything first. I need to know the punch line first. I need a bit of control somewhere in my life. Something that is my choice. Nah, the books rule me.

This is a short novel, much like the previous portion of the series, but the book contains four parts, each written by a different author. It might be of interest that I didn’t notice that they each wrote a complete section until I was on the final section. I think the authors are either really good, are a great deal alike in their writing styles, OR the book isn’t much of a big deal. Easy Peasy. Simple. Forgettable. Depends upon your reader ... obviously!

Part One: We are officially introduced to the Cahill Patriarch, Gideon Cahill, circa 1507, along with his wife and four children. It is his last day on earth and he is scrambling to put his research, experiments and great mission in order. Most importantly, he is trying to give his children their portion of the serum and his wife future instructions without giving away the fact that he is dying.

Part Two: We meet a nineteen-year-old Madeleine Cahill, Gideon’s fifth child who was born after his death. “Maddy Babbitt, scared as a rabbit” has grown up knowing that she must keep herself and her mother a secret. They are in hiding from Lord Vesper, the man who killed her father. While in hiding, Maddy’s mother has been training her for a new great mission – purpose – reuniting the Cahill family.

Part Three: We meet a thirteen-year-old Grace Cahill as yet a virgin to the 39 clues. Her mother died in childbirth, her father left the family to deal with his grief and Grace, her older sister, Beatrice, and their baby brother Fiske are getting by on their own in Monaco. Grace is aware of a Cahill scheme, but her sister is the chosen successor to the game. Unfortunately, Beatrice wants nothing to do with the work and danger involved so when a boat sends a Morse-code message to Grace’s father at their home, it’s up to Grace to deliver the message to Casablanca on her own.

Part Four: Finally, we join Amy and Dan Cahill 6 months after they have returned home to their normal life. They are discovering that they are terribly bored. Bored to the rafters. Luckily Uncle Fiske and Nellie have a mission for them. Travel to Switzerland and obtain an important ring given by Gideon Cahill to his wife and passed on down through the centuries. It now belongs to Amy. She is its protector and keeper. But can they pass the test and come out alive on the other side? No time for boredom now.

Recommended for those who made it through the first 10 and want more! Excellent series for reluctant readers who enjoy action and adventure – both boys and girls!

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