Friday, May 27, 2011

A World Without Heroes

A World Without Heroes by Brandon Mull

No, this is not a song by KISS, but what an excellent title. Need a definition for “hero”? From the American Heritage Dictionary, High School Edition: 1. In mythology and legend, a man, often born of one mortal and one divine parent, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods. 2. Any man noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose; especially, one who has risked or sacrificed his life. It is the second one that we normally consider.

How about the following: “A hero sacrifices for the greater good. A hero is true to his or her conscience. In short, heroism means doing the right thing regardless of the consequences.” In Brandon Mull’s new series, Beyonders, we enter a world where such heroes are dead or in obscurity, waiting to pass their knowledge on to new heroes.

The world of Lyrian is dictated by the lone remaining wizard who has established himself as emperor by killing, conquering or coercing his fellow wizards and rulers. One is either for him or against him. He would rather one be for him and he will keep such a one in close quarters. He finds a person’s weaknesses and uses them to guarantee that person’s loyalty. He catalogs a person’s strengths and uses them to his own advantage.

There is only one way to defeat the Emperor Maldor and that is through a Word – a six-syllable word from the language of Creation, otherwise known as Edomic. When a master trains an apprentice, this word is devised to protect the master from an apprentice and create loyalty. The six syllables of the word that can “unmake” Maldor have been scattered across the land. To reach them, you must make the acquaintance of those who know where a single syllable might be found. The journey to them is treacherous. And then they are guarded by another individual who could either kill you or supply you with further information.

To make matters worse, the one who is chosen to pursue the word, gains the personal attention of Maldor himself. He will send spies, thieves, and killers to watch and prevent a person from finding the syllables. The closer an adventurer gets to acquiring all of the syllables, the more nervous Maldor gets as well as the more admiration and respect he will have for the hero. It becomes imperative for Maldor to keep the hero close to him. He might even issue an invitation to the Eternal Feast which grants the hero asylum – protection from Maldor. It will also put an end to the mission to destroy the emperor and protect Maldor until another hero comes forth.

Who is our hero? Young Jason. A junior high boy from our world. He gets swallowed by a hippopotamus and comes out a tree in Lyrian. Unfortunately, in his attempt to find a way back to Earth, he uncovers the first syllable of the forbidden word. His only choice seems to be to accept the call to defeat Maldor. Luckily, Rachel, another Beyonder, and a girl, will come to his aid.

Highly recommended high fantasy for sixth grade and up.

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