Thursday, July 26, 2012

Clockwork Prince

Clockwork Prince Cassandra Clare (audio book)

I almost missed this book. I am not one to watch authors and their publishing schedules. It leads me to impatience. Rather than wait, I choose to ignore. It really goes against my personality. I like to be in control, but there really is nothing like finding out there is a new book out there and already available.
If you have read or choose to read my reviews of the previous volume in this series and its companion series, you will find that I have really grown and changed in my appreciation of the series. And the reviews will also give you more of a background to the setting and premise that you won’t find here. Links to these reviews can be found at the end.
I am so glad that Clare has finally returned to the Victorian London setting. I find that the modes of transportation – carriages and locomotives; the clothes – corsets and waistcoats; the social rankings – lords and servants; and the etiquette – chaperones and escorts make for a more idyllic backdrop. It increases and prolongs the tension be it sexual or dramatic. It draws out the conflict.
This book begins in the council chamber of the Clave. The majority of the British shadowhunters are present when one high member, Benedict Lightwood, calls out the Head of the London Institute, Charlotte Branwell. He claims that she is incapable of running the primary refuge for shadowhunters after she gives account of the fallout from the previous novel. The Head of the Clave, the Consul, is forced by Mr. Lightwood to give Charlotte a test to prove her abilities. She must find Axel Mortmain before two weeks expire.
Axel Mortmain is a human who has delved into the world of Dark Magic. He has extended his life. He has amassed a tremendous army of automatons. And his goal is to kill off all shadowhunters beginning with Britain before moving beyond. In order to accomplish his goal, he needs Tessa Gray.
Tessa Gray is perhaps a warlock, but she has no identifying mark. She has a supernatural talent as a shapeshifter. She assumes that Mortmain has need of this talent and she knows he intends to marry her. She has sought and received refuge at the London Institute, but she knows that if Mr. Lightwood takes over, she will be out on the street or worse, handed over to Mortmain. It is in her best interest to help Charlotte and her band of Institute shadowhunter orphans.
Among the orphans are William Herondale and James Carstairs. Will and Jem are both in love with Tessa although none are aware of the others affections. Will hides his love from Tessa as well as all others he holds close. He has been cursed by a demon. All who love Will will die from that love. Jem hides his love because he is already dying from a disease and the drug that prolongs his life. Neither would burden Tessa with their infirmity. And Tessa loves them both.
Nearly every chapter was a cliffhanger that begged for me to continue. The outcome was satisfyingly predictable yet aggravating. Now I can ignore the series until Clockwork Princess is published. I’m hoping/assuming that it will remedy the situation and I can even guess how. We’ll see if I’m correct.
The Infernal Devices Series: Clockwork Angel

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