Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Enchantress

The Enchantress: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott

In my very first post to this blog, I stated that I read so that you don’t have too. In the case of this series, I would suggest – don’t bother. Don’t waste approximately 72 hours of your life for this series. You will be disappointed. I know I was and I am not alone.
The ending was entirely unsatisfying.
One third of the series was spent on Alcatraz Island. And it never even figured into a solution to the problem. It was only a diversion (to the reader?)
Do you know how much I complained about how wishy washy and whiney the teenage twins were? How they never really did anything on their own. They were only ever manipulated. Yeah, well. They weren’t the only puppets on strings. Why it seems that the whole cast of characters was being manipulated all along. And the reader too?
The twins never really worked up any gumption. In fact, I hardly believe their final decisions. Oh, I believe Sophie a bit – she remained true to herself and her meager convictions over the course of two weeks. But Josh. Josh was always just lost… like the author.
I believe the author bit off more than he could chew and got terribly lost. He had too many ends to tie up.
At one point, a character remarks that many “people” sacrificed their lives to some great purpose. I’m not sure if that was to save or to destroy the world. But let me tell you. Not very many of those all-powerful people actually died. The author seems too emotionally connected to off a one of them.
It feels as if the cast of characters are just as exhausted as the author was and they all kind of gave in. What the heck, why don’t we just change sides. Either side has just as great a chance of winning – surviving – as the other. Hey, I know we’re enemies, but why don’t we be friends for a while and kick some other-worldly derrieres.
I suppose, I could reread the series and look deeper for clues. But I just don’t really care. I haven’t since The Sorceress.
But if anyone out there can explain to me how and why this made sense – as in didn’t knock us out from left field – be my guest. And if there are any kids who have enjoyed this series. Send them my way. Otherwise, I’m going to quietly forget them.
Ya know, maybe the author just needed more time to think these things through and out before he committed the ideas to paper… I think editors rush their authors too fast to churn out “any” product over “quality” product.
Why don’t I tell you how I really feel?

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